Registration for Summer Camp is now open!

JAC Bloggers


The Jean Augustine Centre for Young Women’s Empowerment started a blogging after-school program for young women ages 13-17 in 2021. This program provided young women with the opportunity to use their voice to share their knowledge and thoughts! The youth came up with the blog name, logo, subtopics and articles. They decided on these four subtopics where their blogs are located:

Reach Out focuses on advice, mental health, physical health and everything else in between. Click this subtopic if you want to learn tips and tricks to develop yourself.

Beauty Inside & Out focuses on self care and beauty techniques.

Education & Innovation focuses on research and their reflection on their findings. This section is educational and focuses on what they are learning inside and outside of school.

Advocacy focuses on their experiences and thoughts as they give back to their community and partake in social activism.

Click below to read some of their blogs!

Meet the authors!